What can be said,this is a blog where I will post some stuff I really like,so I think you should like it too.I am a metalhead to the heart,but I will put here every kind of stuff I like,not only Metal.I hope you will enjoy it,and let me know if there is anything needed,especially from the ex-Yugoslavia territory.
31 December 2007
GENERACIJA 5 (Ser) - Generacija 5 , lp 1980
Here we go back to the very beginning of the 80s and the explosion of Hard Rock and Metal bands in the ex-Yugoslavia.Generacija 5 were a very good Hard Rock band from Serbia,leaded by Sladjana Milosevic`s younger brother Goran.The recording of this (their debut) album is very good,and their melodic Hard Rock sounds cool.They never became popular as A.Skloniste or R.Corba or D.Jagode were,but still left a strong trace in the story of Rock in the ex-Yu.
Tracks; 01.Dolazim za 5 minuta 02.A ti 03.Pseto 04.Rodjen na asfaltu 05.Ti i ja 06.Nedelja 07.Veza 08.Probudi se iz sna
From Wesley Anthares Brasil
Great band, liked it very much!!!
is very good to know obscure bands from anywhwere especially if htey sing in your own lenguage..
thank a lot
and please post more stuff from Generecija 5 (if they have...) and obscure great croatian metal ;)
great lp.teriffic post.thank you.
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