Well people,this is the 301st post here,so I would like to thank you all once again for visiting this blog,it makes me very satisfied to see over 11000 visits in the last 6 months,with over 3000 downloads..these are big numbers for me,so I promise I will keep up the good work..
I must point out that,anyway,there are some titles in here that were not uploaded,so they vanished from my Rapidshare-list (they say that a file disappear when it is not downloaded for two months),so if you find an inactive link,and want to download the title,please let me know and I will reupload it.
One more thing about these uploads;I have to repeat that official releases are not my favourite kind of stuff here.Those are releases that you can buy anywhere,and you should do so.If any official release is here,is just here for you to pre-listen to it and BUY the original.Also,official releases here are exclusively some of my favourite records,or something you ask for.The bigger part of stuff here is demo and similiar material that may be hard to find,and for every single material I put here,if possible I ask for permission directly from the performers.
I hope you will keep enjoing this blog.
Sincerely yours,Alex.
PS;you probably asked yourself,why the Niko Kranjcar`s pic here..it`s because he is a great soccer player.I mean it.
And,oh yeah..for all that remember how it was 20 years ago...