What can be said,this is a blog where I will post some stuff I really like,so I think you should like it too.I am a metalhead to the heart,but I will put here every kind of stuff I like,not only Metal.I hope you will enjoy it,and let me know if there is anything needed,especially from the ex-Yugoslavia territory.
Hehehe..I like this kind of posts..metal parody to the bone,this time not praising the goat,but his wife,the sheep,hahahahaha..and when the sheep is black,oh man,this must be veeeery evil..well,let`s put it this way:I forgot to write my self the provenience of this band (probably one-man band,as usual),and I don`t know even if the name is right-if the cover say so..The music is excellent black metal,with sheeps and evil sheeps (with their voice lowered down,hahaha)..stuff to make your dark days brighter..
Tracks: 01.Inno a pecora 02.The sheep and the moon 03.Ancient sheep 04.Black sheep in eternal sleep 05.Unsilent storm of the blackwingedsheep in the nameless cold forest 06.Under the sign of Blacksheep 07.NARGAAROTH is blank mental
Another excellent demo of this band from Rijeka,They are already featured on this blog,but this is a demo that shows the progress of this band.Very technical Black Metal with a fairly good production,really can`t ask for more if you are a fan of evil..
Tracks: 01.Pale dreams in vacancy 02.Hear the voice of fire 03.Shadow mirrors 04.Unbounded (crossing the frontiers) 05.Paroxysms of madness 06.Sin incarnated 07.Execration 08.Resurrection of damnation
Hmmm..it will be a strange review this one..You know that I am a diehard Discharge fan since the first time I heard their Why maxi-single..and I think Hear Nothing.. is one of the best Punk Thrash Hardcore albums of all the times.And I covered two of their tracks with my bands.. But this is too low..This is Discharge still in their best phase,but slowly dying.This is a soundboard recording of a show where they were..I don`t know..weak?No rehearsals?Or as bands usually say "bad monitoring on stage"?But it is not only that..there is less anger in it..but well,here it is,try it yourself.It is still Discharge,but.. PS:NOT what you see in the video..
Tracks: 01.Warning 02.Hear nothing see nothing say nothing 03.The nightmare continues 04.Where there is a will 05.Never again 06.Anger burning 07.The blood runs red 08.Born to die in the gutter 09.Protest and survive 10.In defence of our future 11.State violence state control 12.The price of silence 13.The more I see 14.De-control 15.Anger burning (encore) 16.The blood runs red (encore)
Megabitch from Pula were a pretty succesful Melodic HC/Punk band on the Croatian territory in the 90s,I am sure that the biggest part of their success was due to the fact that the biggest part of the band were students in Zagreb (and it is a well known fact that bands from Zagreb and close to Zagreb were more succesful and had easier access to larger airplays than other bands).But not only that,of course,their cassette had a wider airplay also for the fact that they had a very popular cover of Queen`s "I want to break free".So,this is their first release,collectors item.
Tracks: 01.Samba braziliana 02.Die 03.The slow pathetic song 04.Ugly teenager without fingers 05.Shit in my room 06.I want to break free (Queen cover) 07.Pussy horror night 08.My dads a drug addict 09.LSD lady 10.Washer 11.Tonight 12.Crowds
CCM (known also with this shortened name) are among the first Hardcore Punk bands in the world,being active since the beginning of the 80s.This is their first single,a pretty raw recording,but pure Punk energy.Sent to me by Vladimir,my HC contributor.More CCM soon to come!
So,here it is,another demo from this band from Pula,one of the most productive Metal bands from Pula in the 90s.This demo is a slower one by them,but still a treat for BR`s fans (and there are a lot of them in Croatia!!).One more demo,and all demos will be posted.Enjoy this!
Tracks: 01.At death`s door 02.Entire despair 03.Candle to the devil