As you might have noticed,I rarely post two posts of the same band in a row,even not so close one to another.Well,that means that I will be posting Atomsko Skloniste albums for a looong time,since this is their third album,and they released all in all (studio+live+compilations) 15 albums,and this is only their third!!Ok,I will probably avoid their second and third american releases,and both compilations.but still there are a lot of albums to post,right?
I remember the recording of this album..it was a big thing when MOBILE ONE STUDIO came to Pula...we all went to the Valkane beach to see that big truck..
This is the last studio album which included Sasa Dadic on drums.
Trivia;this album (the vinyl version) never ends.Hahaha,I mean,the B side of the record is cut at the end in a way that the snare drum at the end of Gazi Opet Cizma never ends,it just rolls over and over and over....
01.Ne zelim da te izgubim+Novi karijerista
02.Da li je dozvoljeno razgledavanje vaseg vrta
03.Cedna gradska lica
04.U vremenu horoskopa
05.Zelja za zeljom
06.Nesto nam holivudski reci
07.Cuvaj se cistunaca i ljudi bez mana
08.Generacija sretnika
09.Gazi opet cizma