A cult record.The best of the best of Slovenian and Croatian (I noticed just recently that there were no Serbian or Bosnian bands here ?!?!No,seriously,to make this record an auditive orgasm there were no Pekinska Patka on!!) Punk Rock 1978-1980,which means that the ex-Yugoslavia was,even if a Communist country,very VERY in trend.I really cannot say my favourites here (even if I must say that the Croatian part of the compilation P.Kazaliste-Paraf-Problemi-Termiti is evidently much much better,and especially my guys from Pula,PROBLEMI.),but I am surely positive that,no matter what you listen to,you will find great tunes here.A MUST!!
PS;I would like to dedicate this post to Denis Barlijan,a member of the Punk community of the Pula scene in the 70s-80s,who died of cancer a month ago.R.I.P.
Tracks;PANKRTI01.Anarhist02.Tovars`i,jst vam ne verjamem03.Lublana je bulanaPRLJAVO KAZALISTE04.Moj je otac bio u ratuPARAF05.Narodna pjesmaPROBLEMI06.Sranje07.Grad izobiljaBERLINSKI ZID08.Mozgani na asfaltu09.Po cestah mesta9210.Vidjeti jih11.Kontroliram misliBULDOGI12.To ni baletTERMITI13.Vjeran pas14.Mama,s razlogom se brines15.Vremenska prognoza
Je*ote,otvorio si mi vidike...na legendarnoj kompilaciji Novi Punk Val zaista nije bilo bendova is sadašnje Srbije...niti Crne Gore,Makedonije...anyway...postojala je još jedna kompilacija vredna pažnje iz tog perioda Aetistička radna akcija...sve u svemu blog ti je preteran!!Svaka čast na trudu...ma Pula je uvek bila zakon za staru Jugu...to se zna Paraf,Idijoti...
Pozdrav iz Novog Sada
Parafi su bili iz Rijeke, debilu
dok si pod zaštitom anonimnosti vrijedjas čovjeka bezveze...ja tebe neću...Rijaka i Pula 500 km udaljene? mosh mislit...
Nikada ne reagujem na ovakve ispade...jer ne govore o meni no o anonimusu! Zar ne?
Thx and greetings from Hungary <3
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