11 February 2012


Ok, friends, this is it. Audio Heaven is officially shutting down. ALL THE FILES on Mediafire were deleted, and it seems that ACTA or anyone else is winning the cause. Everything I built the last 5 years is DELETED. So, all I can say is THANK YOU for being here, and for sharing the love for music.



Anonymous said...

Arg... Don't give up !

yogi said...

thanx Alex, thanx for all your work on blog, i recognized here a piece of history yugo hc/punk, all the best in the future...

I've Made You a Tape said...

šta stvarno... koje sranje jebote. moje još sve stoji gore, ako skinu, imam backupe na hard disku pa će se valjda naći neki novi servis na koji ću moći staviti. ti nemaš kopije? :(

whore said...

samo cu reci da je bila privilegija posecivati tvoj blog, iako to mozda nisam pokazivao komentarima.

zao mi je bloga, zao mi je godina tvog truda, zao mi je mene jer nema gde da se skine dobar EXYU metal :(

sve najbolje

Long Dong Silver said...

ah, what a crapload, they wont win. maybe for a while but subculture wil prevail in the end. just wait and see

Andrew said...

Thanks for all your offers all these years and don't give up. Keep the metal spirit alive!

Anonymous said...

You did a very good job during the years, introducing your local scene to many people in the world. It was a totally promotional job, and had nothing to do with copyright. You posted some stuff nobody could find anywhere. So WTF is copyright for unavailable stuff? I think if you did include less newer stuff, the blog was more immune to those laws, though. It's absolutely better if you continue your job here. Do new posts, and don't regard the past. Thanks for your dedication and contribution to metal and punk world.

slimpee said...

No its not ''deleted''... Many of materials are spread to everyone, and is still in circulation ;)!!
Saludos !


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