What can be said,this is a blog where I will post some stuff I really like,so I think you should like it too.I am a metalhead to the heart,but I will put here every kind of stuff I like,not only Metal.I hope you will enjoy it,and let me know if there is anything needed,especially from the ex-Yugoslavia territory.
17 December 2007
POPEYE (Cro) - Domaci benzin , cd 2002
This is a mass request,we already had a demo here,as well as the new track Zmanjana Dica.This is their first album,released in Croatia and a rarity nowadays.The band themselves hates this album,because they wanted a more heavier production,and the producer Guido Mineo nearly ruined it all.Still,this is a very very good album,clearly balanced between a nu-metal sound and a modern no-drum-machine played hip-hop.The band showed,with the new track that their album will be a LOT heavier and Metal oriented,so we just have to wait to it.
Tracks: 01.Zavidan 02.Punkitza 03.Nezaboravne greske 04.Nema me 05.Pocetak kraja 06.Che bella citta` 07.Domaci benzin 08.Bla bla 09.III faze 10.Jer.. 11.Madafaka
ej hvala ti care na ovome...
nego htjeo sam te pitati imaš li i dali je izašo njihov 2. album??
Nije, vec ga godinama pripremaju, ali nista od toga.
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